MASCP was launched in November 2005 as a pilot project to strive for the fact that no student of the region is deprived of quality education. Since then, it has made too many strides in too little a time to realize its vision and has extended its educational services to the students at secondary level. At MASCP we are convinced that education is one of the most important factor, an indispensable cog in the wheel, for the nation to prosper and provide a level playing field for all the strata of the society to have a better shot at their lives. We also believe that education without values, as useful as it is, seems to make a man cleverer devil. Hence during their course of study at MASCP, we ensure holistic personality development of our pupils so that they better appreciate and assimilate the rich cultural heritage of India and the values that are ingrained within. This is how, we at MASCP, try to ignite the young minds.
On behalf of the MASCP family, I extend a warm welcome to all the students and guardians who intend to be a part of the MASCP family.
I wish that the educational journey of our students is happy with wonderful experiences and beautiful memories to cherish. At MASCP, we have three priorities: to provide students with modern educational facilities, to devise an imaginative but intellectually challenging curriculum which will make the students want to learn irrespective of tests and exams, and to employ staff who are knowledgeable about their areas of specialisation and skilled in the art of getting children to develop both curiosity and understanding, the main branches of human enquiry.
I have always been passionate about the joys of watching my children blossom into adults. I cherish having shared their moments of joy, hardship, and success. I have been there as they played, studied, laughed and learned. They are the joy of my life, the root of my happiness, and the source of my comfort.
Providing the school with a good leading administrative, educational, supervising and service team, that can look after the children, help them achieve their goals, make their future through believing and fearing God, feeling proud of themselves and helping them achieve what they’re looking for in their life and in the future.
We will do our best to preserve the vision and the mission of our School, keeping its aims and its students as our prime concern in each decision we make and effort we put forward.
Our school is committed to developing socially responsible citizens in a safe, creative and educationally challenging environment that encourages students to be clear about their values and communicate to the community, thus living up to our school motto “We learn to serve”.
The college's motto 'Knowledge is Liberation' is the cornerstone around which the character and personality of every child is built. The Society visualises an educational system based on the four basic tenets : universal values, excellence in all things, global understanding by viewing diversity as an asset, and service to humanity.